This can also be applied to other graphing calculators such as the TI-85, TI-86, TI-89, etc.all of which are geared towards statistics or engineering for example. What if there was a way you could use your TI-83+ anywhere, anytime, even if you forgot your calculator at home? Well, there is! With free software online and a copy of your TI-83+’s ROM file, you can run a TI-83+ emulator on your PC, Mac, and as of late, your Android phone or tablet! For a student, loading up an emulator for their trusty TI-83+ lets them carry one less thing, and that's one less thing to get lost, stolen or forgotten at home. With its ease of use and graphing functions as well as the ability to write simple programs for routine equations and formulas, the TI-83+ is a useful tool outside of classroom. There’s no denying that a TI-83+ is a great tool for high school and college students alike.